Every April 28th is World Day for Safety and Health at Work. This day is recognized by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and aims to promote the prevention of work accidents and occupational diseases.
This day not only pays tribute to the victims of work accidents and various occupational diseases, but it is also an opportunity for companies, unions, governments and prevention organizations to raise awareness among employers and employees about the importance of safety and health at work .
In addition to good professional practices, one of the essential elements of preventing accidents at work is the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE). This protective equipment is designed for safety and to protect workers from occupational risks and potential dangers.
Depending on each person's job or activity, different equipment is recommended: safety shoes, overalls, specific trousers, gloves, breathing mask, helmet for hearing protection, etc.
At the head level, it is particularly important to wear personal protective equipment to protect hearing, the skull and especially the eyes. The eyes, the primary organs of information , are fragile and vulnerable to injury. To maintain good vision, it is essential to protect them with protective glasses, protective masks and sometimes a visor in addition.
Safety glasses can be worn with or without prescription and are essential for work that exposes the eyes to flying particles, splinters, aggressive chemicals, radiation or intense flashes of light. They must meet specific safety standards to ensure optimum protection.
It is the employer's responsibility to provide PPE that is appropriate to the risks present in the workplace and to provide employees with appropriate training in their use. For their part, employees have an obligation to wear the PPE made available to them and to use it appropriately.
In conclusion, wearing personal protective equipment, including eye protection goggles, is essential to ensure safety and health at work. Self-employed workers, employees, prevention officers or managers within a large company, everyone is concerned and must be aware of the importance of this equipment by using it systematically for good health by preventing occupational risks.