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Quand changer vos lunettes de lecture : les signes qui ne trompent pas

Les lunettes de lecture sont essentielles pour de nombreuses personnes, mais comment savoir quand il est temps de les changer ?

Voici quelques signes caractéristiques :

Fatigue oculaire accrue : Si vous ressentez une fatigue oculaire plus importante que d'habitude, même avec vos lunettes, cela peut indiquer que vos verres ne sont plus adaptés à vos besoins.


Whether you have always had good vision from afar without glasses, whether you are nearsighted, farsighted or have mild astigmatism , around forty no one escapes presbyopia !
Often, the first discomfort is felt when returning from vacation: when the light decreases, after summer or following a sudden fatigue. Suddenly, you can no longer read the newspaper, restaurant menus or notices just by holding them at arm's length.
Don't panic, it's normal and natural!

Reasons, causes and solutions for presbyopia


You are over 40 years old, and maybe you noticed that when you read a newspaper, a book or your phone, you had some difficulty distinguishing the letters clearly? This is due to the appearance of a vision disorder . More precisely the presbyopia !

To be sure, it's very simple! 

Arrow, the glasses of the famous American brand

Arrow is an American ready-to-wear brand created in 1851 . Renowned for its innovative collar shirts, this American brand, a pioneer in the world of fashion, was for a long time the brand of American businessmen. It still represents today the image of the distinguished man in all circumstances.

Myopic and presbyopic, possible?

Many believe that myopia is the most common visual defect; but this is not the case even if it could become so in 50 years with the epidemics of myopia linked to the use of smartphones. In a general way there population is farsighted but this defect less embarrassing than myopia is little diagnosed, the farsighted person generally suffers only from visual fatigue. But after 45 years myopic or farsighted everyone becomes presbyopic !

titanium glasses

Titanium has been a material increasingly used in the world of optical industry since the 1980s. Titanium glasses appeared in France around 1986 when they were already widespread in Japan .

Origin and manufacture of titanium:

Discovered in 1791 by the British William Gregor, the first use of titanium dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, as an additive to cast iron and steel, in the form of ferro-titanium. It is the 22nd element of the periodic table, it has the symbol Ti. It is a stable element that belongs to the family of transition metals such as silver, cadmium...

Reading problems? What if it was presbyopia?

Presbyopia, what is it?

As we age, we all experience annoying changes in our vision:

  • it becomes more difficult to concentrate
  • it is more and more difficult to see clearly on close objects .

How do I know if I need reading glasses

Reading becomes difficult, you think you need reading glasses, you just become presbyopic . Rest assured you are not alone! 1 in 4 people and in your case. What is...

Varionet, an online licensed optician

Varionet: for whom? Why? is a number 1 online optical store in the field of presbyopia glasses, computer glasses and in France since 2008. We specialize in proximity glasses intended for presbyopia after 40 years and computer glasses and offer you innovative presbyopia lenses with corrections from +1.00 to +3.50 as well as rest lenses for the youngest.

Can returning to work cause eyestrain?

Work, re-entry and eyestrain

The month of September is here, synonymous with back to school and this is a sign that the holidays are beautiful and well over! Summer is coming to an end and autumn is on its way. We have to adapt to the days that are getting shorter and it is common for eyestrain to appear. No more idleness, little naps, the daily routine is back with the long hours spent in front of digital devices and paperwork.

How to recognize presbyopia?

Presbyopia, what is it? Presbyopia is a natural age-related phenomenon ; it is a change in near vision which gradually becomes blurred and wearing glasses to read is then essential....

Eye difficulties at work

We spend long hours at work, this environment can have various daily influences or even risks on our long-term visual health. Lighting: Poor lighting is a common problem when working...