Varionet News
Quand changer vos lunettes de lecture : les signes qui ne trompent pas
Les lunettes de lecture sont essentielles pour de nombreuses personnes, mais comment savoir quand il est temps de les changer ?
Voici quelques signes caractéristiques :
Fatigue oculaire accrue : Si vous ressentez une fatigue oculaire plus importante que d'habitude, même avec vos lunettes, cela peut indiquer que vos verres ne sont plus adaptés à vos besoins.
Change of hours: what consequences on my vision?
Covid, confinement, teleworking: how to maintain good visual health
Following the reconfinement and government requests, many are working from their living room or bedroom. This is how eyes are on the various producers of blue light : telephone screen, computer, television… Staring at these screens all day can be harmful to our physical and mental health and to our eyes, essential organs of our balance.
This is why it is essential to take care of your eyes in order to relieve the ocular stress and visual fatigue caused.
5 tips for working from home
Tips for optimal remote working
It's no secret that we are living in complex times; almost the whole world is confined and for a lot more work! Others, who are more fortunate, practice teleworking, at Varionet this is the case and we do it regularly and we offer you some advice to best live this period.
Can returning to work cause eyestrain?
Work, re-entry and eyestrain
The month of September is here, synonymous with back to school and this is a sign that the holidays are beautiful and well over! Summer is coming to an end and autumn is on its way. We have to adapt to the days that are getting shorter and it is common for eyestrain to appear. No more idleness, little naps, the daily routine is back with the long hours spent in front of digital devices and paperwork.
The return of eye fatigue
Back to school is coming and your eyes are already tired!
For what?
The lights follow each other and are not alike: after filling up with vitamin A under the sun arrive the rays of blue light emitted by your computer , smartphone and other digital devices.
Blue light , everyone talks about it; it is present everywhere! First in the natural light emitted by the sun , in this case "normal" exposure is strongly recommended for its beneficial effects for humans.