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blue light hazard

Blue light: DANGER for your sleep blue light emitted by screens such as computers, TVs, phones and even tablets when backlit activates 100 times more non-visual photosensitive receptors in the retina ....

Gamer and vision

video eyes The modern life in which we live every day we are confronted with many screens , television, computers, laptops, tablets not to mention video games which represent a significant part of...

To start the new school year off right

Tips for visual well-being for a good start to the student year.

Is your visual well-being the sine qua non of your student success? Here are some tips to get your school year off to a good start.

Prepare your visual well-being before the start of the school year

Eyesight in teenagers and young adults

The visual health of young people According to ASNAV , the national association for the improvement of sight, young people aged between 16 and 24 spend at least 8 hours a day...

New technology lenses

Improving the quality of life of people with AMD AMD , age-related degeneration , is a visual disease which affects more than one million French people, it is one of the leading...

The World Cup on TV screen without straining your eyes

In this month of June, with the weather changes, the pollution, the computer work... your eyes are solicited all day long. In the evening, you suffer from visual fatigue , headaches, dry eyes, tingling, your vision becomes blurred... and yet you want to watch the football World Cup matches on your television, computer or telephone screen .

Protect yourself from the harmful effects of blue light

Today we are going to tell you about 2 of our clients: Anna, an independent webmaster who leads a hectic life between her clients, transport, the various comings and goings......

The aging of the eye

The aging of the eye, a subject that concerns us all! Our tissues and organs age . Unfortunately, the eye does not escape this harsh reality. Today it is important to protect...


You work in front of a screen, you always have your smartphone, a tablet… you certainly experience eye fatigue , a feeling of visual stress or even a general state...

Pay attention to your sleep!

In the evening, opt for a book rather than a tablet or e-reader Today more than 3-4 households out of 10 are equipped with a touch tablet, these devices give off a artificial...

Anti-blue light treatment: COOL BLUE

A few words about blue light Every day, we spend more time in front of various digital tools: at work on PCs, in the metro and transport with our phones...

PIXIUM VISION: restoring sight, restoring life

Pixium Vision, the Iris project comes to fruition A young French company, Pixium Vision has been bringing new perspectives to the visually impaired or blind for several years; indeed it...